Bonus Day One Of The Six Week Profit Plan

The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Yesterday you were going to think on why you would ask more questions even if I had enough information to tell someone if they should or should not buy

Here’s why, from a psychological point of view:

What you are doing here is building the position of trusted advisor rather than that of sales person.

And you are allowing them to see that you will only sell them something if it is in THEIR interest to get it.

Also, you are going to find out more about THEIR needs and frustrations so that you can adequately tell them how you will solve those frustrations,

whereas likely in their first email they told you their problems but not their frustrations

and frustrations are what really sells (they need a problem to buy, but if they aren’t frustrated with their problem – they are less likely to buy)

Here’s another tip

If you have two products that will both help them equally – ALWAYS tell them you don’t recommend the one they wanted and give them a legitimate reason why.

Then, write something like

However, I have something else that I believe is a better fit for you, and here’s why:

And tell them why.

You build trust when you tell someone they should NOT buy something, even if you recommend something different in the next sentence.

Why do you think?

The Six Week Profit Plan

The Six Week Profit Plan is laid out as a daily lesson, which is a good thing, due to how much work there is to do

However you can choose to go much faster or slower, depending on your own needs.

Don't put yourself under any pressure to get this all done in a day or so, that might be the temptation but it's not really the best way.

Below you will find the links to each of the Lessons

Steve King Website Designer

About Steve King

Keen Golfer, Movie Fan and Marketing Nut

I teach people that are interested in making money online how to create simple websites and Information Products

I have been doing this since 2005 and I still love it as much today as I did when I first started