The Internet Marketing Easy Button

There is a shiny button that needs you to push it…and when you do it will make you an auto-pilot income over night!

Where can you find this shiny button that you have heard so much about?   Well, I’ll tell you, it’s on the top shelf right next to the Magic Beans!

So How To Make Money On The Internet?

There are many ways to learn how to make money online.  Some ways are proven, some are not.  Some work, some don’t.  So how do you know which is good and which is bad?  It’s the age old saying ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’

There is a simple way – get a mentor and fast track your learning curve!

But that’s not always that easy either. How do you choose someone to show you the ropes?

You have to know  – like – and trust a person and follow their coaching program….to the letter or what’s the point in doing the course in the first place?

When you’re first starting out you need to ask around, do a Google search…check a few people out.  You’ll find a ton of coaching programmes online…but not too many mentors!

I followed John Thornhill many years ago and I learned from John how to make a product and take it to market and then how to make my product attractive to Affiliates so that they could sell it on my behalf and we both got paid.

If you’re looking to learn the same thing then I can happily recommend John…for two reasons!

First of all he will give you some great coaching…second of all you’ll buy through my link, I’ll get a commission and you’ll benefit further because you’ll then get access to me to help you too.

Did you think I would hide the fact that when I promote a product I’ll get a commission?  I work in sales…I have for years…it’s how salespeople get paid!

It’s what you get in return that’s the question you should ask…

Let me give you some free advice…when you buy something through an affiliate link…don’t be shy to ask the affiliate what they will do for you in return if you buy through their link…if you don’t ask you don’t get!

So what would I recommend to someone just starting out?

That’s an easy one for me!  One of the best and also my favourite course that John has ever put together is called  Profit From PLR – check out the salespage and see if you notice anything cool about it!

In case you don’t know – PLR is short for Private Label Rights.  This is where you have licence to change the almost finished works of a product, you can edit it and take ownership and claim it as your own work.

Anyway, I liked Profit From PLR so much that I bought a licence from John so that I could resell it. 

It was also the first product that I sold as an affiliate and it was the very same product that John created while he was delivering the 2009 marketing masterclass that I attended. 

It made perfect sense for me to buy a licence because it is an awesome blueprint which shows you an accelerated way to create an online business for yourself.

So what can I teach you about Internet Marketing?

I have put together some content that will help you get started online and help you accelerate your learning curve.  Inside my members area you will find some high quality content, some of it created by some very talented and well known Internet Marketers and a lot of the video coaching is created by yours truly.

I have been around for a few years, in fact I’m 55 in September, I’ve run my own business for many years and I have worked for some very switched on Company Owners. 

I know how to make money…both online and offline…and I’m happy to share with you what I’ve learned.

We’ll cover everything right from the start, in easy step-by-step video coaching lessons.  I’ll take you through the basics of WordPress and why you need your own website or blog.  I’ll show you how to create your own product and more importantly how to sell it! I’ll take you through email and relationship marketing, social media and all the tools that allow you to stay ahead of the game in terms of what’s happening in the online world….plus a whole lot more.

There is also a private group where you’ll be able to ask your questions and get real advice on how to move your business forward. Not only from me but from some of my very experienced marketing friends. 

I run workshops every now and again and you’ll be able to come along and learn how to get past some of the barriers you may have in your own business…and you’ll be able to actually sit with someone who can show you how to do it. 

It’s always easier if someone can show you and help you while you do it for yourself.

So if you’d like to find out more, feel free to drop me a line and we can have a chat and see if what I bring to the table is actually what you need. 

It may be the case that we won’t move forward together…there has to be value in the relationship for both of us and as time is precious I will only work with a few people at a time and we have to both feel we’re getting something out of it.

That’s me for now…welcome to Internet Marketing.

Happy Days!

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.