Week Two Day Six Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Lesson 13: Product Creation Record sixth track of your first product Lesson 13: Website Work Now that you have web hosting, either the one you started with, the one I use, or something else If you don’t have a domain name, you need to finalize one You can use GoDaddy.com or Name Cheap (or somewhere else) to … Read more

Bonus Day Three Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

If you’ve completed all the lessons, you should have enough practice to now be able to sit down and write a persuasive letter – whether a sales letter or an email letter or a letter to a friend or partner, from the top of your head – and use the persuasive, rapport building components to … Read more

Bonus Day Two Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

I hope you have seen over the course of the last six weeks how easy it is to simply use the formula you have learned to write persuasively And keep in mind, because of doing all the exercises, you now have a persuasive and rapport-building framework in your mind, it’s internalised. But, if it’s not … Read more

Bonus Day One Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Yesterday you were going to think on why you would ask more questions even if I had enough information to tell someone if they should or should not buy Here’s why, from a psychological point of view: What you are doing here is building the position of trusted advisor rather than that of sales person. And you are … Read more

Week Six Day Seven Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

This is technically the last day of the course, but I have a couple more things that I want to give you…so keep an eye out for them Yesterday’s assignment was to reply to a hypothetical letter asking you about your product. How did you feel about your response? Would you like to know what … Read more

Week Six Day Five Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Now that you have a foundation in the structure and some of the Language that goes into a sales letter, you need to continue to work on adding persuasive language to your vocabulary. There are several great books on the market that will teach you persuasive language, and I suggest you not only read these books, but study them … Read more

Week Six Day Three Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Super simple Today I want you to write an off-the-cuff email selling something. This will just be a quick email – don’t worry about using any special language or anything special you have learned. Just write off the top of your head. We’ll do more on this tomorrow

Week Six Day Two Of The Six Week Profit Plan

A picture of the slide Steve uses to promote his course called The Six Week Profit Plan

Today, now that you have written several sales letters, I want work on transitions. Transitions are words or phrases you use to transition from one paragraph or thought to another, so that the sales copy doesn’t seem choppy or like you are starting or stopping. Some great transition words are: Also, I like to use crazy phrases … Read more