Case Study: The Sports Club Opportunity

This is a guide that I put together a few years ago for some folks who were having a hard time coming up with ideas beyond the usual Internet Marketing Promotions that we see every day

I called this little report The Sports Club Opportunity and inside I shared some simple tactics that show how you can make some money online.

I like to share some of my thoughts behind the way I do things online, rather than just show you the end results,

so after I show you the pitch and the report,

I’ll take you behind the scenes and try to explain my thoughts and tactics for growing my own business at the same time as helping other

The Sales Pitch I Used

There are tons of ways to make a bit extra for yourself, this one is fairly straight forward but it does need a little bit of research to see where you can apply it.

Hopefully it’s a straight to the point, no fluff, quick and easy way to make some money using your Internet Marketing Knowledge…

*…if you feel you don’t currently have the knowledge, don’t worry, you can outsource to someone who does and you can charge a bit more and still make a profit on top.

Get your copy of The Sports Club Opportunity

There are a few other things you could do with it, like creating a Facebook page and advertising locally, both of which would certainly help get the word out.

I hope you enjoy the report and feel free to share it with anyone you think would benefit from it. You can give it away or sell if you like.

“Good luck with making some money for yourself”.

Did you read the report? what did you think?

Simple concept, but reasonable potential. 

At the time of writing there were over 1,600 sports clubs in the town 

Seems like quite a good audience to me

Anyway, there was a bit of method to the way I laid out my report as well, which I will go through now and hopefully it will give you an insight into how my mind works and how ‘subtle things’ can make a big difference.

The Techniques I Used

The Title

#1 quick way you can make money working online

I wanted to tell people that it wasn’t going to take them a lot of time

The Reassurance

Here is a straight to the point, no fluff, quick and easy way to make some money or save money by using your Internet Marketing Knowledge…

Here I’m telling them there’s no filler and again I’m not going to waste their valuable time

The Seed

*…if you don’t have the knowledge, don’t worry you can outsource to someone who does and still make a profit on top.

Here I am sowing the seed for my services and reassuring them that they don’t need to worry if they don’t have the skills to do this themselves as they can get someone to do it for them.

At this point I start to tell a story of what I like to do, play golf in a team, and I reveal a problem, about not having handicap competitions.

If you can solve a problem in a product you are half way there.

What I’ve done

So I say I’ve identified a gap in the market and the show some evidence of what I have done so far.

Providing proof can be very powerful in helping someone relate to you.

It shows me as an authority as I have taken action and I’m telling them they can too…and I’m also making it easy for them as I go onto to say what I’ll do next


I talk about what it’s cost me so far and what it will cost me in the future; and I even calculate how much money I could earn from this idea.

Added benefits

I now go on to talk about reasons why people buy stuff and I keep it simple to make it sink in.  This helps the reader think they can do it too, as it’s simple.

Sign Off

I sign off by saying I hope they can see it’s a simple idea that they can do too.

I reinforce the small amounts of money coming from lots of different places is a good thing and I then wish them every success in their attempt.

Small amounts are easier for people to relate to. Especially newcomers to online marketing


I now explain a bit about myself and what I’ve done and where I’ve done it. 

I write this part in the third person, which gives the impression that someone else is saying these things about me.


I then list all the resources I used in making The Sports Club.

Notice that I didn’t link to all the places where I could have put my affiliate link.

The likes of GoDaddy and the Hosting, or for the WordPress Theme.

That’s because I only want them to click on my offer

** I provide a very inexpensive WordPress installation service if you would like to get your own website set up but don’t know how to – you can see my offer here

A few things going on here:

  1. I am telling them that I can help them if they don’t know how to do it
  2. It’s inexpensive
  3. They only have one link to click on
  4. “you can see my offer here” – is written to make it harder not to click on, people are usually curious.

The Kicker

When they arrive at my offer, they actually find out that I will do the installation for free.

Here’s What My Offer Looked Like

Free Blog Set Up

This makes them trust me a bit more as it’s not me charging them.  Although I may get an affiliate commission for going through my affiliate link for Hosting.

I add even more value by offering to show them how to make a custom header and say I’ll install some plugins.

Even more added value to my new visitor.


Do you think I’ll have a better chance that they will become a customer of mine in the future by going through this process than if I’d just crammed my report full of affiliate links.


I still wrote a report that genuinely shows a way to make some extra money. 

  • I tried to keep it simple
  • I added some proof of what I had done.
  • I showed that it was inexpensive to get started.

These are all benefits to the reader

The benefits to me are my report can be given away to anyone that wants to use it, which helps get links back to my site. 

I’m more likely to get a new customer or subscriber if they have enjoyed what I’ve written and offered to do for them.

I hope this little explanation helps you understand my thinking of how I went about laying out the report. 

As a side note, I actually expanded on the idea inside of the Sports Report and I went on the set up An Amateur Golf Tour, which ran multiple events each year, and had a finals days. You can see some of the details at Fore King Golf

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.

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