London Postcards By David Gentleman

100 Scenes of City Life London Postcards by David Gentleman

About The Artist

In 1950, aged 19, David Gentleman arrived in the capital, ready to begin his life as an artist. Over the next seven decades, he would sketch, paint, and engrave his way through London, documenting the cityscape, and shaping it, too – most notably through his iconic mural in Charing Cross Underground Station.

Combining world-famous imagery with unexpected scenes of daily life in the city, this collection of London artworks is a treasure trove for all those who flock to the capital.

“David Gentleman is London’s visual laureate” ~ Quentin Blake

London postcards

Where I Got Them From

Tk maxx trowbridge

I first started selling postcards as a way to make some extra income, and I had a bit of a lightbulb moment while shopping in TK Maxx.

I wasn’t really looking for anything specific that day, but as I browsed the aisles, I spotted a beautifully wrapped Box Set of London Postcards by David Gentleman.

The design on the box caught my eye, so I picked it up to have a look.

When I read the back, I could tell they were high-quality postcards.

Given my experience selling prints on eBay, it didn’t take long for me to realise that postcards could be an excellent way to save time and effort.

Unlike prints, there’s no need for me to print anything myself, saving on ink, paper, and, of course, a lot of time.

So, I decided to pick up the box set for £10. Once I got home, I got straight to work listing the postcards on eBay.

How I Listed Them

When I first listed the London Postcards by David Gentleman, I decided to take a more detailed approach by listing each postcard individually.

This would give buyers the option to purchase a single postcard of their choice, rather than being tied to a full set.

I also offered two options for buyers:

  1. A basic option for the postcard only, priced at £3.50.
  2. A second option that included a picture mount, which I priced at £4.95. This gave buyers the chance to purchase the postcard framed and ready to display, adding perceived value to the listing.

Postcard only

Rear of postcard

To make my listings stand out, I focused on high-quality photos, making sure to capture both the front and back of each postcard.

This allowed buyers to get a clear view of both the artwork and any relevant information printed on the back, like descriptions or copyright details.

Primrose hill by david gentleman

I also included a photo of the postcard placed inside a picture mount to give buyers a realistic idea of how it would look when framed.

My Sales Expectations

Since I’ve only recently started listing the London Postcards by David Gentleman, I’m still in the early stages of tracking actual sales numbers.

However, I have set sales expectations based on my experience and market research.

  • Sales Expectations: I expect to sell around 5-8 postcards per month over the next few months, with a slight increase during the holiday season or when the postcards are featured in specific promotions. I expect the mounted postcards are to sell at a higher rate due to the added perceived value of being framed and ready to display.

  • Revenue Goals: Based on the pricing structure I’ve set, I’m expecting to generate £25 to £50 in revenue per month, assuming steady sales. This is based on a mixture of £3.50 per postcard for the postcard-only option and £4.95 per postcard for those that include a picture mount.

  • Trends Over Time: I anticipate that sales will be slow at first, as people discover the listings, but I expect a gradual increase in interest as I fine-tune my listings and marketing. The revenue may peak around holidays or special occasions when people are looking for unique gifts or souvenirs.

  • Profit Margin: After factoring in the cost of sourcing (£10 for the box set), eBay fees, shipping costs, and packaging, I expect a profit margin of about 30% to 40% per postcard. For the mounted postcards, the margin may be slightly higher since they are priced at a premium.

Customer Feedback & Questions

So far, the London Postcards by David Gentleman have received positive feedback from buyers, which has been great

London postcards customer feedback

Although I haven’t received many questions from buyers yet, I’ve made sure my listings are as clear and informative as possible, which I believe helps manage expectations and reduce the need for queries.

Since the feedback has been so positive, I haven’t needed to make any significant adjustments yet.

However, I remain open to feedback, and I plan to continue improving my listings based on customer reviews and any suggestions I might receive.