Week Two Day Four

Week Two Day Four

Today’s lesson is shorter . . .

and is designed to show you how easy it can be to just do your “daily work” in your business.

It’s similar in concept to what my own days look like – I generally have three or four primary things to do each day, and when they are finished . . . my day is normally done.

Now they aren’t exactly these things (I wrote the writing lessons so don’t have to do them!!!) – but the concept is the same – and by the end of these six weeks lessons your days will look much more like mine!

But we do have to get through these learning items!

Lesson 11: Product Creation

Simply record the next (fourth) track for your product.

This can be 5 minutes long, 20 minutes long, maybe you get long-winded and it ends up 30 minutes or more.

Lesson 11: 10 x 10 Matrix

Write your 10 x 10 page, then record your 10 x 10 writing assignment and upload to YouTube

Lesson 11: Writing Lesson

Yesterday you wrote Imagine statements like this:

  • Imagine your life with…(this change)
  • Imagine how it would feel to…(have this freedom)
  • Imagine yourself in (an environment created by your solution)
  • Imagine feeling (free, powerful, empowered)…by (something you provide)


Write five 3 sentence paragraphs with an imagine theme.

For example:

Imagine how it would feel if you were totally free from (your problem). You are now relaxing, and it feels so (emotion) and (another emotion). You are thinking “how wonderful it is that I am (free, feeling powerful, etc. according to niche). 

(that is one 3 sentence paragraph)

These can go deeper than this, but they are only positive (or anti-negative)

They don’t highlight any side effect of your solution, they don’t try to talk someone into your solution.

They are simply a statement of how it feels when your solution is present.

 Until tomorrow!

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.