Week Three Day Six

Week Three Day Six

Lesson 20: Product Creation

$197 product – first recording

You should now have finished your first product – $37 or $97 product.

Now, I know that’s aggressive if that’s your first product, and congratulations!

Now, you may know this, but product creation is one of the biggest parts of your business.

There really are only 3 parts:

  1. finding people who need what you have
  2. building a relationship with them (using your words, writing, videos, etc)
  3. and selling to them what they need.

And the first product you created should be the first thing they need.

Now they need deeper.



Whatever you missed or left out of your first product.

You’ll use another section of your 10 x 10 matrix, or write a new matrix with advanced topics

Now, that’s an advanced method, if that’s going to hang you up, don’t do it – just re-use your initial 10 x 10 matrix, either go more advanced, with a different section of your matrix.

So what makes a training worth $197 instead of $97?

In truth, you could simply create another $97 product, and maybe if you aren’t comfortable, you should do that.

But you can easily bump up to $197 by simply adding in depth, make it a little more advanced, and add in deliverables – things like worksheets, homework, etc, added to each lesson to deepen it.

So today’s lesson is to brainstorm your $400 product

if YOU were to invest $197 – what would YOU want it to include?


Put that in YOUR outline for YOUR $197 product.

Lesson 20: 10 x 10 Matrix

You know the drill – a new article, blog post, and video today.

This should be taking less than about 45 minutes each day now, if not, work on making it happen in 45 minutes.

Lesson 20: Website Work

write your first autoresponder email

You have your autoresponder account set up, now write your first email.

I like to give something away in my first email, here is a sample:

Hi (firstname)

Here is the download training I promised:  

(name of training) – (link to training)

I hope this training really helps you make a break through!

To your success


Lesson 20: Writing Lesson

Ok, so far we have worked on probing for their problem, asking them if they are frustrated, asking them to imagine and think about how it would feel to have a solution, and lastly to let them know you are qualified to help them.

Of course all of that might now occur in that order.

But at some point you are going to tell them about your solution.

I like to frame it like this – not exact words, use yours if you can 🙂

  • I understand how you feel.
  • I’ve been there, done that.
  • It’s not easy figuring out (your problem) on your own.
  • So I have created a solution for you.
  • I call it (name of solution)
  • And here’s why I’m excited about it, and you should be too.
  • Then tell them all about your solution.
  • Tell them why it will help them.
  • Tell them what their results will be if they use your solution


Note:  the first six lines of what I just wrote as an example is transition language.

It creates a transition from everything else you have been writing about to…your solution.

Then the last three lines describe the parts of telling your solution.

So for today’s homework, I want you to write, from scratch, without looking at what I just wrote…your own transition.

Explaining why you have created YOUR solution.

Next, we will work on telling about the solution….

Until then

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.