Week Three Day Five

Week Three Day Five

Congratulations, you have created your download page for your first product.

And just a quick note in case you are struggling to keep up, it’s important to do all the lessons, even if it takes you a big longer…that’s not a problem, but skipping over any of the lessons is. 

So, if you are not up to date, take some time to catch up before you move any further. 

And don’t worry, you won’t miss anything, all the lessons will still be there for you

Also, as a note, the writing lessons are designed and laid out, so that when you have completed all of them, you will be able to write a complete sales letter from beginning to end.

The idea with the writing lessons is, that you will not only be able to write persuasively at will, but you will also be able to write a congruent sales letter at will from heart.

Lesson 19: 10 x 10 Matrix

Write your daily post and convert it to a YouTube.

Yes, I know this feels boring – but this is part of a daily habit, to which we will soon be adding a daily email.

And yes, doing daily tasks is the basic process I’ve used for years and STILL use today, a set of basic daily practices, things I know need to be done, whether I have time for email, Facebook (nearly never) or anything else . . .

these are the daily things that keep my business running.

Of course, as you create products and create a stream of new traffic, your daily work will change over time.

Lesson 19: Site Work & basic Auto-Responder set up

For this part of the lesson, your job is to make sure your autoresponder is set up, you have a list set up, and you are ready to start writing emails.

If you have been putting off reading or watching any instructional get-started videos from your autoresponder company, this lesson is the time!

I haven’t created any auto-responder lessons yet, as there are so many different ones, but I will add some in the future. However you will usually find help videos with your auto responder company

Lesson 19: Writing Lesson

The last few lessons we have been working on explaining that you are qualified to teach someone

So where would you use this technique?

Firstly, it can be used as part of a sales letter.

If you put it there…generally, you either put it after you have asked some probing questions, finding out what someone’s pain is, then lead with your qualifications to help them…


you can begin to talk about the solution…how it would feel to have your solution…maybe even an imagine statement or two…

THEN – introduce your qualifications.

Of course; that’s not set in stone.

I’ve done it near the end of a sales letter before.

But it has to be done somewhere, because they are thinking ‘why should I listen to you‘ as they read your sales letter or email.

Now…another place to do it is in the email campaign somewhere.

The reason for this is if you build up your qualification level there, you don’t have to focus as much on the sales letter.

Because they already know it.

Another place to use it is on your free offer download page (squeeze page download page)

Now they learn at the very beginning of their relationship with you.

And of course you can remind them from time to time.

Can you think of some other places you might use a ‘I am qualified’ statement or paragraph?

Until next time

P.S. In the next lesson we will be presenting the solution

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.