Week One Day Seven

Week One Day Seven

Let’s quickly review what you’ve done so far:

You’ve created your delivery and financial blueprint for your business

You’ve created your 10 x 10 matrix that serves as the backbone of the creative part of your business

You’ve started writing a daily post from your 10 x 10 matrix

You’ve started recording a daily video from your 10 x 10 matrix

And you’ve gotten the habit of working on several small parts of your business each day.

You’ve not only set up the foundation of your business, but you’ve started some very important processes in your business

Now, it’s time to start creating your first product.

Without products, you have nothing to sell.

No matter how much great knowledge you have in your head to teach folks, until it’s “productized” you can’t exchange that knowledge for money.

Remember, your business model is based on the concept that you are exchanging your knowledge and ability for their money.

And without a way to give them your knowledge, you can’t expect them to send you their money.

Lesson 7, part 1: Product Creation

Over the course of the next few weeks, you’ll be creating an entry-level product (perhaps $97) and a next-level, home study course style product (perhaps $400).

Now, it’s easy to think you need to know everything there is to know about creating your product before you start . . .but let’s face it, waiting for that to happen hasn’t helped you yet!

And if you’ve already created a number of products, please bear with me and create one more.

Here’s why:

the daily habit of working a little bit each day on your product, will lead to long-term productivity.

Whether you want all the answers before you begin, or you already have all the answers and tons of products,

I want you to create a new product, day by day, using the daily instructions I am going to give you.

I believe you’ll get a sense for how very, very EASY product creation can be . . .

You see, for the last three years, I have created on average at least one product EVERY MONTH for three years.

In reality, it’s more than that.

Some WEEKS I create a new product.

Many times I create a new product in a DAY and write the sales letter that day too.

You just cannot take 3-6 months to create new info products and expect to ramp up quickly.

This is a fast-paced industry, and you HAVE to learn to be able to work on several things each day, including some product creation, some writing, and some promotion.

Tomorrow, you’ll begin recording your first product!

Lesson 7, part 2, 10 x 10 matrix:

Today, write your 10 x 10 page, then record your 10 x 10 writing assignment and upload to YouTube

Lesson 7, part 3, Writing Lesson:

Ok, today we are shifting gears (and you say “thank goodness” 🙂  !)

However….it is CRITICAL that the questions I have been having you write, that you can write those off the top of your head, quickly.

That is the most important skill you can master with this.

It is the foundation, the beginning. 

Because if you cannot get into someone’s head about their problem…you can’t offer to solve it, they don’t care that you have a solution, and they will not buy from you.

So if you have been writing those questions each day by looking at yesterday’s questions, instead of coming up with 15 new ones each day off the top of your head, I suggest you create your own homework…and work on those each day until they are second nature.

Ok, let’s talk about the next step.

Once we have “gotten inside our prospect’s head” and gotten him or her to feel the pain of their problem, one of our next steps is to find out if they would like help with that.

Once we have done that, and they have responded affirmatively, we can tell them about our solution…and sell it to them.

Now, they might only respond affirmatively in their own mind, if you are writing a sales letter.

But if you are communicating using an email campaign, as I often do, you might use one email for each persuasion point I am teaching (more about this in a later lesson).

Now, it is not critical which of these “sections” of our persuasion path comes next.

  • It might depend on how you feel today.
  • It might depend on how your prospective customer feels today.
  • It might depend on your offer, your solution, etc.

But there are several things that need to occur in the process of finding out if the prospective customers wants our solution (and wants to be free of their challenges, as I mentioned above).

Now that we know they are frustrated, we need to do several things:

  1. tell them there is a solution available
  2. tell them who we are and why we are the right person to bring them the solution
  3. get them to agree that they have a problem
  4. get them to agree they would like to fix their problem
  5. tie it all together – they know they have a problem, they would like to fix their problem, they want a solution, and they want it from you.

You could do this in several different orders (these all occur after you have probed their problem as we have done in the last few home works):

You can tell them why you are qualified (and that you have either been in their shoes, or have helped someone who is)

Then you can tell them what the solution is

Then you can ask them how it would feel to have the solution

Then you could ask them if they would like the solution

Get them to agree to work with you and your solution


Or you could ask them if they would like help with their problem

Then ask how it would feel to have the solution

Then tell them what the solution is

Then tell them why you are the right person to offer the solution

Get them to agree to work with you and your solution 


Or you could start by telling them your solution first

Then tell them why you are the right person

Then ask them how they would feel about the solution

Then ask them if they want help

Get them to agree to work with you and your solution


Do you see how any of these patterns could work equally well, possibly in different scenarios?

Today’s Homework

Which of these combinations would work for you in your niche?

Why would each would each combination be better or worse than another?

Can you come up with a combination that would work better than the several mentioned?

Is it possible that the correct combination would be determined by different things each time you write, or each time you offer something, why or why not?

Lesson 7, additional comment:

Now that the lesson today is over, I want to point out something to you:

Your daily work schedule today looked like this:

  • Lesson 7, part 1: product creation
  • Lesson 7, part 2, 10 x 10 matrix
  • Lesson 7, part 3, Writing Lesson

It’s like there are three parts to your working day.

And once you get used to these three parts, we’ll add a couple more.,

I know I’ve shared this idea before, but I really want you to internalise this idea of working on several things each day, targeted things, instead of working on one thing until it’s completely done.

Your business has many parts and if you spend three months just working on a product . . .your business is dying while you do it.

or if all you do is write blog posts for three months . . . your business isn’t flourishing.

But when you do ALL the parts EVERYDAY – in small, measured, amounts

You will see that your entire business pulls together.

That’s all for today!

Info Product Studio

Here are the links to each day of the course

Getting Started:
Let’s Get Real Before We Do Anything – Please Read The Introduction and The Journey Ahead

Week 1Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 4Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 5Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 6Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Bonus WeekDay 1Day 2Day 3