Week Four Day Three

Week Four Day Three

Lesson 24: Product Creation

How is your $197 training program coming along?

At this point, you should have several items in your $197 training created, that might be three training tracks, it might be three homework assignments or written lessons, or it might be a combination.

Lesson 24: Daily Schedule Components

As we discussed in the last lesson, it’s time to consolidate the sections in these lessons about 10 x 10 matrix and Website Work and Daily Email to one component which we will call our Daily Schedule

The assumption will be that the 10 x 10 matrix forms the underpinning of the ideas you write or record about, but you can also be inspired by something someone on your list asks, or by something you read or see in your niche, and build your daily content from that.

So each day, whether you get a lesson or not, your daily schedule looks like this:

  • work on your product
  • write your daily blog post
  • convert daily blog post to a daily email
  • convert daily blog post to a video

Lesson 24: Getting Visitors To Your Website

Create A Squeeze Page Part 2

In the last lesson, I gave you the background to the squeeze page concept.

And I gave you some articles to study:

What Is a Squeeze Page and How Do I Make One?  By Rachel Wedlund, Leadpages

What Is A Squeeze Page and How to Create One With WordPress by Brenda Barron, Elegant Themes

Today I’d like to share a bit about the why of a squeeze page.

The squeeze page is the key ingredient that takes someone from wandering around the web, looking for training or answers in your niche, to YOU being able to communicate with them daily in a controlled fashion.

A squeeze page is the component by which those wanderers become subscribers.

And once they are subscribers, you can begin building a relationship with them with your daily email, by answering the questions they send you in email,

and you’ll now have a channel through which you can send them opportunities to sign up for your training, coaching, etc.

Sometimes people ask me, well why not use Facebook or Twitter (or other social media) to communicate?

And there are two reasons:

  1. Email WORKS
  2. The challenge with social media is it’s not so controllable.

    Your message gets lost among the many others someone is receiving.

    ALSO – and this is probably more important psychologically – is that social media (think Facebook) has a connotation of being social . . . so the commonly accepted social etiquette is NOT to ask someone to invest $400 there.

So what happens is that people respond to your Facebook message to invest in your coaching with the same mentality they do when their friend sends a picture from a vacation, they note it, but don’t DO anything with it.

On the other hand, with email, YOU can control every word someone reads, YOU can control what they read first, second, and so on, by scheduling out emails in a certain order.

You can create the exact same experience for everyone who comes through your campaign, in the same order, instead of everything being live in a social environment.

So, your next step is to create your squeeze page

Simply choose a method based on what you learned from the last lesson, knowledge you already have, or software you own, and just do it!

That’s right: today, just create a squeeze page!

Lesson 24: 10 x 10 Matrix

So now you know that this section is being eliminated in favour of the Daily Schedule section of the lessons

Lesson 24: Website Work

Continue writing a daily email from your 10 x 10 posts

Ditto, this section is also being eliminated in favour of your daily schedule.

You see if you simply write one email per day, turn it into a blog post (yes, I reversed the order of those two  components, the change should be easy), and recording a video, putting it on YouTube and putting the YouTube video on your website

When you do this each day, your site will naturally develop – no extra effort needed there.

Can you see how easy this is and the speed at which you’re now creating content?

Lesson 24: Writing Lesson

In the last lesson, we worked on telling your prospect how their life will be different with your solution.

The next thing I like to do is have the prospect imagine what their life will be like with the solution.

Remember the ‘imagine’ statements we spent quite a bit of time perfecting the first couple of weeks in the program?

Now, this is where you will use them.

For today, write three paragraphs each telling your prospects to imagine their life with your solution.

Tell them specifically how their life will be different, and have them imagine that difference.

You can also use words like:

  • think about
  • close your eyes and think about
  • close your eyes and imagine
  • dare yourself to dream
  • picture…

Until next time

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.