Week Four Day Seven

Today we are going to work on showing the value of your product from the perspective of assigning a value to the information in the product or service, and price from there.

Here is a sample of what that will look like:

So what does this cost?

Well first, let’s do a quick review of everything that’s included, and what it’s all worth…and then I will reveal the price…and I believe you are going to be amazed at how reasonable this is!

First of all, you are going to receive my complete training on xyz….which is worth over $1,000 (in fact, I have taught this information to my private clients at over $2,000 in the past)

Next, you are going to receive x amount of access to me…a $2,000 value

Additionally, I am going to literally take you by the hand and teach you xyz so that you can do abc in your business…$2,000 value

In addition to that, you will receive the following bonuses:

Bonus 1 (xyz)  $200 value

Bonus 2 (xyz)  $450 value

Bonus 3 (xyz) priceless

Bonus 4 (xyz) $1,500

So all told, there is a total of $7,150 in real-world value, and like I said I have taught just a portion of this to some of my private clients for $2,000 or more….

but today I am going to make this a no-brainer:

This will be not $2,000 to you today…

Not $1,000…

Not $500…

But for you TODAY…just $197

In short…this is an incredible value…and frankly I suggest that if you see that this is the right training for you…go ahead and invest before my wife demands I raise the price on this…or I realize I am crazy, whichever comes first:

(buy now button)


Write three separate sample price justification paragraphs based on the value of the information model.

Until next time

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.