Week Four Day One

Week Four Day One

Lesson 22: Product Creation

By now spending a little time each day on product creation should be becoming a habit.

And remember, you don’t just need to work on your product only when you get a lesson, but everyday.

This should become a daily habit – working on your product.

So, over the next 10-20 days, can you see yourself creating the tracks necessary for your $197 product?

Why not create a working schedule that allocates time each day to creating training as part of your product?

In the $37 – $97 product, we focused on one training track per day – and that’s a fine, beginner model.

But now you might be creating more depth in your training, so you may create smaller, shorter, yet deeper tracks – so perhaps it might take three or four days to create the first lesson of a 10-lesson training program.

And you might be creating accompanying homework assignments, to do lists (also called check lists), or lessons like these to accompany your training tracks.

And of course you’ll need to allot time to do each of those components.

So, today . . . get started!

Create the first thing in your $197 training

it might be a track, a homework assignment, or an introduction.

Lesson 22: 10 x 10 Matrix

You know the drill by now – a new article, blog post, and video today.

This should be taking less than about 45 minutes each day now, if not, work on making it happen in 45 minutes.

Following on from what I said in the product creation part of this lesson, I want to now say that if you aren’t doing a daily email/blog post/video each day…

are you waiting for a lesson to come along before you do it

If so, then it’s now time to make this a daily habit.

Each day, whether there’s a lesson or not, you should be writing a daily email that doubles as your daily blog post and is converted to a daily video. (you get three pieces of work from one)

Just think, by doing this each day for 1 hour a day, in one year you will have 365 blog posts, emails, and videos.

How many of your competitors have 365 blog posts, emails, and videos?

The key to this part of your daily work is you are creating a foundation in your business on which you can build and build long term, bolting on parts or trainings or elements at will,

and instead of having to create a new business each time you get a new idea, you just add one more element to your existing business that has a strong foundation.

Lesson 22: Website Work

Continue writing a daily email from your 10 x 10 posts

In the last lesson you started taking your 10 x 10 article and converting it to an email.

It’s easy to do, the email IS the article.

No adjustment needed.

Just add the (firstname) code for your autoresponder.

And add your name at the end.

And then you record the email/blog post as a video, upload it to YouTube, and put it on your site in a blog post (so you actually get 2 blog posts per day, 1 written, and one video)

Lesson 22: Writing Lesson

Today you will tell your readers why they need your solution.

Just write 1-3 paragraphs about why they need it.

Let this flow from your heart.

This should not be scripted, should not use a formula.

Just write.

Tell them what it will do for them.

What kind of results they will get with your solution.

By the way, by now you have probably noticed that I am big on not using a scripted formula

Formulas make great guidelines for people who want to write letters without thinking.

They make great guidelines for people who want to write without learning how to really write.

But what really sells in a letter are your words, your sincerity

and of course, the offer.

It has to be relevant for your buyer.

I want you to get comfortable enough in your writing so that you can form an argument (not a fight, but rather you ‘make a case for’) the prospects’ need for your solution.

Once that happens and you use just a little flavour of persuasive language, your prospects will buy it if they need it.

Ok, that’s all for today


Write 1-3 short paragraphs explaining why someone needs your solution.

Until next time

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.