Easy affiliates income by steve king

Making Affiliate Commissions With Forum Posts

Have you spent lots of time and money trying to promote someone’s product as an affiliate?

Have you done this without much success?

You have yet to make it on to a top guru’s JV leader board?

Do you think you need a big email list to be able make affiliate commissions?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above then I hope to prove otherwise.

I made $16k In Affiliate Sales, In Under a week, With No Subscriber List. Using A Simple System Anyone Can Copy

And I am going to show you how I Did it

I have put together a few videos to show you how you could make affiliate commissions without the need of a big email list to promote to.

I called the course Easy Affiliates Income.

I even has some fancy graphics made and sold it as an Info Product on JVZoo for a while.

easy affiliates income product image

Even though this course is free, I just want to clarify a couple of things

This is not some push button get rich quick scheme – they don’t exist!

This is a simple method but it DOES require some effort on your part, but once you’ve mastered it you can easily replicate it.

So what is Easy Affiliates Income?

Very simply, it was my method of being able to make affiliate sales without having a big eMail list to promote to!!

I think it’s important that I show you some proof of what I’ve achieved doing this as I am definitely not a fan of selling a theory that I  haven’t used myself…

I’m sure you’ve seen the type of thing I mean.

Also you won’t see any pictures of me driving fancy cars or any holidays snap shots of me working on a beach for an hour a day…simply because I haven’t bought a fancy car and I haven’t been on a beach but rather I’ve been working hard in my office!

how about some real details of what I’ve made.

In my first affiliate promotion, using this method, I managed to reach sixth place in Internet Marketer John Thornhill’s Joint Venture leader board,

not only making affiliate commissions in the process but also receiving a $500 cash prize for coming in sixth place, as you can see from the picture below


And a good thing about this method is that once you know what to promote, where and how to list it properly, then it really is very easy to replicate

This affiliate promotion method only cost me my time and a small investment of around $60,

which is a tiny fraction of the prize money never mind the commissions I made through each sale, as John’s product ‘Partnership To Success’ cost $1997 and paid 50% in commissions.

Once the initial work is done you can keep on top of it anytime of day, maybe during a free hour after work, on even on your lunch break.

I think this strategy is so SIMPLE that ANYONE, anywhere in the world can follow it.

we deliver step by step training graphic

So what’s in the video?

This video is around 35 minutes long, so grab a coffee or a beer while you watch. It may help you with your next affiliate marketing campaign.

There are five Parts in total

  • Introduction
  • Overview Of The Site
  • Bonus Offers
  • Writing A Sales Letter
  • Answering Questions from prospective buyers

The video starts with an introduction and shows you the product I promoted and some proof of my success using this method.

I then give you an overview of the site I used to apply this method, and detail the amount of traffic that visits the site on a regular basis, and how I was able to tap into that traffic with relative ease.

I move on to Bonus offers and the importance of making them relevant to the product or service that you’re promoting, it’s no good promoting an Internet Marketing coaching course and offering a weight loss product as a bonus.

Which is followed by a video showing you how to start creating nice graphics to highlight your bonus offers and make them stand out.

I detail how I wrote the sales letter, making it honest and personal, detailing some of my struggles, so that people could relate to what was said and feel some empathy with my story, and in doing so I got their attention.

Answering questions is extremely important and when doing so you may have to do a little research so as to give a comprehensive answer. I cover this in detail and show you how to make your answers stand out for future readers.

I hope this helps you generate some ideas for your own Affiliate Marketing

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.