Week One Day Five

Week One Day Five

Yesterday you completed your financial blueprint and the day before you created your delivery blueprint.

And you learned that you don’t need some unlimited source of traffic to get the subscribers you need to get to your goals.

Let’s take a high level overview look at your new $50k business:

200 eBooks at $0  = $0
The eBook teaches a basic concept that leads to your system

15 trainings at $100 = $1,500
The training teaches a single concept that is important to the people who are mastering your system

3 trainings at $400 = $1,200
The advanced training is either more advanced than the first one, or more broad and complex

25 people in your membership at $40/month = $1,000
The membership adds new training each week (for people who like to have everything!)

5 clients at $100 a month – $500
The coaching is for people who are willing to pay to talk with you personally.

All that equals $4,200

You need the traffic to get visitors to get subscribers who get your eBook or webinar upfront for $0.00

You need to write a daily email so that people trust you so when you create a product, training, coaching program or membership they want to join.

You need to be able to write persuasively so that the emails you write create trust, and so that the sales letters you write persuade people to buy or sign up for your programs.

That’s it.

That’s all.

You don’t need any bells and whistles.

Nothing more.

This what you need to get to $50k.

Now you might be asking,

well so-and-so told me I needed to have an upsell, downsell, cross-sell, space-sell funnel.

But based on what we’ve just looked at . . . do you really need it?

Not for $50k.

Sure, once you have this entire funnel set up, all your products and coaching created – sure, can you add upsells and down sells and so on to go PAST $50k?


But for now, they are a distraction.

Now you might be asking, well so-and-so told me I needed a $500 a month super-duper software package.

Sure, maybe once you are at $50k and you are working 20 hours a week to do it and you want to leverage some things . . . then maybe you need some super-duper software.

But to get to $50k?

No – You Don’t need it.

All you really need to do this is a website with good hosting, an autoresponder service that does it right,

and some kind of page builder so you can easily create your sales pages and delivery pages without hours and hours of coding (like I did when I first started because they didn’t have easy page builders like they do now)

That’s it.

You don’t need super-duper software, you don’t need the latest push-button easy to do must-have training on every new fad traffic source that comes out.

You need the traffic to get visitors to get subscribers who get your eBook or webinar upfront for $0.00

You need to write a daily email so that people trust you, so when you create a product, training, coaching program or membership they want to join.

You need to be able to write persuasively so that the emails you write create trust, and so that the sales letters you write persuade people to buy or sign up to your programs.

Now notice that they bulk of that system is based on what YOU create.

Products, eBooks, training, coaching, membership, emails, sales letters

almost everything in your business is something you create.

And you create it with your words – and that’s why we’re doing the writing lessons.

And you do it yourself.

Notice I’m not teaching you to outsource.

Once you get to $50k (or close) – sure, you can start outsourcing some of the tasks you already do.

But don’t start outsourcing now.

If you outsource before you genuinely know how to do something and how it works, then how will you know if your outsourced worker did it right?

Answer: you don’t.

You don’t know if your workers did it right unless you learn it yourself.

And that means doing it yourself!

So far in this section, you’ve completed your blueprint, and hopefully have you some new insight into how that blueprint guides what you do.

So now that you have a good picture of what your business needs to look like to get to $50k, we’ll spend the rest of the lessons simply learning each thing and putting it into your business.

It will be like a foundation in your business . . . the building blocks of your online business.

Depending on the exact blueprint you’ve drawn out paste it in a prominent location in your house or working area.

Everything we do from here on out leads to the completion of that blueprint.

Lesson 5: 10 x 10 matrix lesson:

write a topic in your 10 x 10 matrix

then record those words as a video for YouTube.

Here’s how:

write an outline for your article (the first sentence from each paragraph)

you can either put that all on one document and that is the background for your video

OR you can use PowerPoint or keynote and create a slide for each of the first sentences from each paragraph

Then read aloud your article and record it using your video recording software then go to YouTube and upload your recording

Lesson 5, part 2: Writing Lesson

Imagine your toilet overflows, and you can’t fix it.

Now you have a problem.

So NOW you call a plumber.

If the plumber had called yesterday, BEFORE you knew the toilet overflowed, you wouldn’t have hired him, right? 

At ANY price.

But now that your toilet has overflowed…and is running over and the carpet in your living room is getting soaked…

you will pay 3 times his normal rate on Friday night at 10 PM just to get him to rush over and do his thing.

Now, imagine that you are out of town, and the toilet is overflowing.  You just don’t know it.

The plumber calls and asks if you want his services.

You tell him no.  Because you don’t know you have a problem.

But if 5 minutes later your daughter were to call you and tell you the toilet is overflowing…and has been for 4 hours…now you are desperate for the plumber…

and he could raise his price 5 times in the 5 minutes since you talked….

and you would still pay his fee.

What changed in 5 minutes?

NOTHING changed about the problem.


Only your perception and realization of the problem.

That’s all. – Do you see the connection for your business?

For your marketing?

Even if people know what you do, and the problem your solutions solves…until they know and internalize what their problem is and the negative impact their problem is having, they won’t buy your solution… at any price.

But if they realize how bad their problem is and what damage it is causing (think soaked carpet) then they will pay any price to get your help.

This is where your ability to help your prospects recognize not only their problem…but also internalise it and see the damage it is causing…will make all subsequent persuasion…easy….

Here is your exercise for today

I want you to go into yesterday’s assignment, where you made a new list of 15 questions you could ask your prospects to determine if they have a problem and if it is impacting them….

and ask yourself if you can make them stronger by amplifying their emotional connotation.

For example, perhaps yesterday’s question was

Are you frustrated because you are struggling with playing poker?


Do you get irritated when your tax bill is too high?

Today amplification would be:

Are you frustrated because you are struggling with playing poker, and it’s costing you money each time you play a game?


Do you get irritated when your tax bill is too high, and you can’t go on vacation because you paid too much in taxes?

Do this for all your questions

Until tomorrow

Steve King
About the author
Steve King
Steve is a digital product creator and eBay seller with over 15 years of experience. He helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable online products and runs a successful eBay business selling golf equipment, collectibles, and vintage clothing.