Internet marketers often discuss the idea of list building amongst themselves.
It is one of those areas of the online business world that is known to be quite lucrative, but seems to lurk in the shadows when you try to figure out the success formula.
Some marketers seem to have a knack for turning lists into millions of dollars each year while others cannot seem to get one person to sign up for their list.
The question becomes: What is the most important key to building a list successfully?
There really is one major part of list building that must be applied for it to work.
Without this key, there is no chance that the list will be an income producer.
Building rapport and trust:
Let’s face facts- no one will sign up to be on the mailing list of a SALES PERSON.
As an example, would you call up your local telemarketer and ask to be put on a monthly list of people they can call and harass?
Most likely, you would rather have a root canal than talk to a telemarketer several times a month, right?
Well the same can be said for internet surfers. If they smell a sales pitch, they are going to run the other way.
No one wants to be sold to.
However, they do want to be appreciated, informed and rewarded for their patronage to your site.
How do you inform and reward your website visitors?
The answer is by giving them something of value for FREE.
This does not mean giving them rehashed PLR content that they can find online for free.
This means giving them information that makes them wonder why you are giving it away for free! You want your customer to imagine how wonderful your other products are that do cost money.
After all, if they got such great information for free, what will they get when they pay?
List building truly can be a money maker, but the very first step has to be building trust and giving something for nothing.
Someone has to step up first, and that is you as the site owner.
You must say: Here, take this free information as a thank you for putting your name and email address in the box.
Then the follow up begins!
Remember, no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.