Preparing To Win


Steve King & Richard Lawless PGA Professional

Preparing To Win

Attention Golfers:

It’s Time You Stopped beating yourself, not bothering to warm up and losing more matches than you should!

It’s Time To Get Mental, Step Into The Zone And Start shooting The Scores You Deserve!!

Let us ask you some questions…

When you arrive at the golf club, do you warm up properly?

Do You Dread The First Shot because you haven’t warmed up properly?

Maybe You will Top The Ball because you never warm up and it takes 5 holes to get going?

Perhaps you have no idea what speeds the greens are running at because you skipped the putting green in favour of a quick beer?

Maybe you have no confidence in your own ability. So you don’t have a game plan

Perhaps you are worried what your friends are going to say after you DUFF YOUR SHOT and you know it’s going to happen because you haven’t prepared mentally.


The Preparing To Win Logo for the coaching program

If you answered YES to any of the above…then you are in for a treat

When you next play golf, would you like to be able to do any of the following?

Have bags of confidence when you hit the ball?

Get more enjoyment from the game?

Reduce your mental golf stress?

If you answered YES to any of the above…then you are in for a treat

Preparing to Win is a video coaching course that will teach you, step-by-step, how to prepare for a golf competition.

We cover a lot of the things you need to consider if you want to give yourself a better chance of winning.

There are many different ways you can prepare for a golf competition, this is what we cover:

  • When To Start Preparing
  • A Few Days Before
  • The Day Before
  • Arriving At The Course
  • Warming Up
  • Short Game Warm Up
  • Putting Warm Up
  • Having A Consistent Approach
  • Walk The Course Backwards
  • Developing Your Game Plan
  • Stick To Your Game Plan
  • Other Things to Consider
  • Using A Caddy

This includes a ton of stuff that will help players who have been playing for a while and who just want to revisit the basics.

The most important part of this is to remember its a game and it’s supposed to be fun.

So don’t beat yourself up and try and remember to enjoy the good shots.

Good luck in your next match

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