If you don’t yet own and sell your own product you need to READ this
Discover how to create your very own Information Product to Sell Online even if you’ve NEVER created one before
Go from ZERO to a product creation Hero in Just Six WEEKS.
Having your OWN info products to sell is without a doubt one of the best ways to make an online income.
Imagine having a system where you are able to create quality info products and rinse and repeat as many times as you want?
How many products would you create?
This course will allow you to break through any mental barriers you might have that are holding you back from creating your first info product.
So Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?
I’m Steve King and I have been creating info products since 2009 and I’ve helped hundreds of people with my training courses and training programs.
When it comes to Info Product creation, I have years of experience creating successful Info Products that have made me thousands of dollars and I’m going to share all my secrets with you
The Info Product Studio
A Six Week Plan
I call my course the Info Product Studio – A Six Week Plan because it’s laid out over six intense weeks and it will show you exactly how to build an Info Product Business.
A Word Of Caution
Back in 2009, I paid $1,497 for a course that taught me Internet Marketing. Some of the advice was a bit misleading and I spent over three months creating an eBook.
It was called The Beginner’s Guide To Sales, which was jam-packed full of tips for anyone wanting to pursue a career in offline sales.
It only sold one copy and I actually refunded the customer.
I wasted a lot of time creating a product that there wasn’t a market for. It was a valuable lesson and one I want to share with you.
I cover everything in the course, but it is fast-paced and requires a lot of work, which will not be for everyone
So before you take six weeks out of your life you should check out the first two lessons to see if you will be able to make the commitment to take action.
What You Will Learn in this course
- How to create the content for your product
- How to choose a profitable niche
- How to create simple sales pages that convert traffic into paying customers
- Best price points to use
- How to deliver your info product to your customer
- The best tool to use to create a new product “super fast”
- How to host your product online
- How to connect everything to your auto-responder
- Best platforms to use to accept payments online
- Where to go to make sure you choose a “hot niche”
- Best Free Tools to use to create your product
- And lots more…
Who Is This Course For?
- Anyone that wants to create their own Info Product to sell online
- Anyone that wants to build an online income that they control
- Anyone that wants to know how to start selling your own product online
- Anyone that is fed up with being told that you must be selling your own product and just wants to start doing it today
- Anyone that wants to fast track their way to success being a product creator
This course was designed to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, break things down into smaller pieces and allow you to overcome any obstacles that may have held you back from creating products in the past.
Whether you’ve tried to create products before or not, this course will take you by the hand and take you from ZERO, to a product creation expert in just Six Weeks
3 Questions For You:
1. Do you want to join the ranks of the TOP Internet Marketers that have built full time Internet businesses selling their OWN info products online?
2. Do you like the idea of FINALLY getting something started and moving in the direction of building a PROFITABLE online business?
3. Do you want to get into the mindset that will make the rest of 2021 and beyond the best money making years you’ve ever had?
If you answered YES to any or all of the above 3 questions, then you’ll want to make sure you grab this course now and put it into action right away
Q: What niche will your product creation system work in?
A: Everything I show you can be used in Any niche
Q: I’m not very good at all the technical stuff will you show us that too?
A: Yes
Q: Is this course suitable for beginners?
A: Yes it’s suitable for beginners, advanced marketers and even some expert marketers may pick up a few golden nuggets
Q: Will I only benefit from this course if I don’t already own my own product?
A: No, you can benefit from this course if you don’t or even if you do own and sell your own product as there are lots of extra tips and strategies that you could pick up from this course even if you already sell a product online
What’s The Cost?
It’s yours for free, with no catch, and no email sign-up required. If you get value from it and want to buy me a coffee then I will say thank you very much, but it’s not necessary.
I wish someone had done this for me back in 2009, prior to me spending $1,497 and taking over a year to learn what I could have learned in much less time.
So I am paying it forward to someone who finds themselves in the same position I was in back in 2009
I changed my business model and I earn money from affiliate programs and ads, so it’s easier for me to be able to give the course away for free.
As I mentioned before, I call my course the Six Week Plan because it’s laid out over six intense weeks and it will show you exactly how to build an online business.
But the way I have laid the course out means if you want to take a slower pace and take 6 months then you can certainly do that too.
So let’s get into the course
To access the coaching simply go to the bottom of the page and click on the link to the relevant day and you will be taken straight to the coaching. Each Day has the same table of contents so you’ll be able to navigate the course easily
This page is ever-evolving, as I add more content or update existing content, but this will always be the best place to start your Info Product Creation Journey on my website
I hope you enjoy the coaching
Happy Marketing